Saturday, December 22, 2007

November Yarn

My November yarn arrived just before Thanksgiving and when my youngest daughter arrived for the holiday she requested socks from this gorgeous yarn. (Daughter #2 also wanted it but arrived later so lost out.) Living in Boston she needs a warmer sock than the lace pattern we received so I found an alternative which worked up beautifully. The pattern is Brigid by Renee Leverington of Goddess Knits, knit on size 4 needles and I modified the pattern to add additional cuff length (~2 inches).
Looking forward to the next shipment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just wondering...

Has anyone gotten their next installment yet?? I thought it was supposed to come the first week of November and it's definitely the second week...I haven't heard anything and the Hill Country Yarns Sock Club blog does not have any recent entries.

Monday, November 12, 2007

A really late start!!!!

I realized that we should be getting the next shipment soon and I haven't even started my socks from the last one!! We can't have THAT! So, I cast on today:

I have finished the cuffs!! Whoo-hoo!!

I love the yarn so far! Can't wait for the next round!

Now, to go work on my novel for National Novel Writing Month! Yippee!

Jessica in IL

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just Getting Started

I was in the midst of finishing some long term projects when our packages arrived so I'm late beginning my sock. I've been reading all the questions about the pattern here and on Ravelry and had hoped the early knitters would figure out the problems but looks like there are still questions. I'm not to the heel flap yet but I'm planning on using 30 stitches rather than the 29 in the directions. Most of the other socks I've made have as many rows as stitches in the heel flap so I plan to knit 30 rows. I'm used to picking up approximately half the number of rows for the gusset stitches so I'm planning on 15 -17 gusset stitches on each side of the heel flap.
I'm enjoying the yarn very much and the pattern is easy to remember. Hope to see some other knitters posting here so we can help one another make beautiful socks.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Dear Administrator -

The date of your posts is 2008! You're getting too far ahead of us! :-)

- Nancy in N MN

Errata for current pattern?

I absolutely love this yarn! But I'm just finishing the heel, and I think there might be a few errors in the pattern. In the Heel Flap paragraph, shouldn't it be half the stitches (30) that are used for the heel? In other words, SL1, then knit 29 and turn? Then the next row would be SL1, purl 29 and turn. Also, I think the next row should read "Continue to knit AND PURL back and forth....". Isn't 30 rows a bit much? Then the paragraph for Turn Heel seems to be a bit confused - my heel corner is offset by about 3 stitches. And I couldn't follow the directions for it, so I used instructions from other socks I've made. Also - I think I may have to frog the whole thing - and I did 6 inches of pattern to have a nice long leg! But the sock through the heel seems really too big when I measure it against other socks I've knit for myself. And I'm using no. 2 needles, and I did get gauge..........aaaaaack. I HATE when this happens! Anyone else having these issues? You can reply directly, too......

Just asking.................8-(

Nancy Reed in Minnesota

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sock Update!

One down and am halfway down the foot on my second sock!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Now I'm REALLY impatient...

I didn't intend to check the blog until after I got my package (didn't want to spoil the surprise!), but clicked on the wrong link. Very happy to see the color and love the look of the pattern!! Hopefully I'll have something waiting for me when I get home tonight...

For MomWhoFan's questions, to measure the circ of your foot - measure the widest spot which is usually the ball of your foot. Hopefully you'll be close because the pattern doesn't look like you could easily add another repeat (or would make it much bigger). If it's really off, you might consider larger needles, but really check your gauge before doing this. Stretchy socks are better small than too big!!

To lengthen the foot, just knit the extra inches before you start the toe decreases... that part is easy to adjust!

Hope this helps... general guidelines (and I'm certainly not an expert!) without seeing the pattern yet. :D

JavaNut (aka Debra)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sweet Feet Arrived Just in Time!

The first installment of my Sock Club yarn arrived on Saturday...and what good timing it was! Just the day before, I had taken a look in the closet where my stash is kept and gotten a little panicky. All of the shopping bags full of yarn were a bit disorganized, and the closet was generally chaotic.

I bought some plastic storage bins and some cardboard magazine storage units and now the closet is in some semblance of order. All of the sock yarn is in one bin (just barely fits), all of the yarn for specific projects in another, and miscellaneous yarn for projects TBD in the third.

The very next morning, the first installment of my Hill Country Yarns Sock Club arrived! Mine is a beautiful Periwinkle Blue; did everyone get the same colorway? It looks somewhat thick for socks (it calls for a size 2 needle), but it is extremely soft and squishy and is a gorgeous color. The pattern that came with it, called Sweat Pea, is very nice too. Into the sock yarn bin it goes!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Woo Hoo!

Got my yarn and have the sock on the needles! The photo I took a little earlier today, I am actually on the heel flap now...I'm really enjoying the pattern and the yarn...I can actually keep this pattern in my head...what do you know! :) Now picture this longer :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

First Sock Club Installment Ready To Go!

The first Hill Country Yarns Sock Club installment is shipping out tomorrow, September 4th, 2007!

We aren't posting pics of the yarn or the pattern just yet because we don't want to ruin the surprise for our members, but will post yarn and pattern pics after we're sure most of you have received your packages.

Please feel free to post pics of your HCY Sock Club WIP's here by requesting an invitation to post.