Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sweet Feet Arrived Just in Time!

The first installment of my Sock Club yarn arrived on Saturday...and what good timing it was! Just the day before, I had taken a look in the closet where my stash is kept and gotten a little panicky. All of the shopping bags full of yarn were a bit disorganized, and the closet was generally chaotic.

I bought some plastic storage bins and some cardboard magazine storage units and now the closet is in some semblance of order. All of the sock yarn is in one bin (just barely fits), all of the yarn for specific projects in another, and miscellaneous yarn for projects TBD in the third.

The very next morning, the first installment of my Hill Country Yarns Sock Club arrived! Mine is a beautiful Periwinkle Blue; did everyone get the same colorway? It looks somewhat thick for socks (it calls for a size 2 needle), but it is extremely soft and squishy and is a gorgeous color. The pattern that came with it, called Sweat Pea, is very nice too. Into the sock yarn bin it goes!

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